Bioconductor Single Package Builder - Build History

Snapshot Date: 
Last Changed Rev:  / Revision: 
Last Changed Date: 

lconway macOS 12.6.5 Monterey/x86_64   OK     ERROR     ERROR     OK  
nebbiolo2 Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS)/x86_64   OK     ERROR     skipped     OK  

lconway Summary


Package: MGnifyR
Version: 0.99.2
RVersion: 4.3
BiocVersion: 3.18
BuildCommand: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data MGnifyR
BuildTime: 52 minutes 37.07 seconds
CheckCommand: BiocCheckGitClone('MGnifyR') && /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/bin/R CMD check --no-vignettes --timings --library=/Users/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/R-libs --install=check:/Users/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR.install-out.txt MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz && BiocCheck('MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz', `new-package`=TRUE)
CheckTime: 0 minutes 2.47 seconds
BuildBinCommand: /Users/biocbuild/BBS/utils/ MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/bin/R libdir
BuildBinTime: 0 minutes 3.48 seconds
PackageFileSize: 58978.35 KiB
BuildID:: MGnifyR_20231115124251
PreProcessing: Starting Git clone. Installing dependencies. Checking Git Clone. Installing package: MGnifyR. Starting Build package. Starting Check package. Starting Build package.
PostProcessing: Finished Git clone. Package type: ExperimentData. Installing dependency status: 0. Checking git clone status: 0. Installing package status: 0. Build Package status: 0. Adding Build Product Information to Database.Checking Package status: 1. Build Package status: 1.

lconway BUILD SRC output





* checking for file ‘MGnifyR/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘MGnifyR’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... OK
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building ‘MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz’
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
  ‘MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_biome_name_json_root:Environmental:Aquatic:Freshwater:Drinking water/’
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
  ‘MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_biome_name_json_root:Environmental:Aquatic:Freshwater:Drinking water/.RDS’
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  using GNU extension for long pathname

lconway CHECK output





─ BiocCheckVersion: 1.39.0
─ BiocVersion: 3.18
─ Package: MGnifyR
─ PackageVersion: 0.99.2
─ sourceDir: /Users/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR
─ platform: unix
─ isTarBall: FALSE

* Checking valid files...
* Checking for stray BiocCheck output folders...
* Checking for inst/doc folders...
* Checking DESCRIPTION...
* Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted...
* Checking for valid maintainer...
* Checking CITATION...

─ BiocCheck results ──

For more details, run
    browseVignettes(package = 'BiocCheck')




* using log directory ‘/Users/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.3.2 Patched (2023-11-01 r85457)
* using platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0
* running under: macOS Monterey 12.7.1
* using session charset: UTF-8
Warning in file(name, "wb") :
  cannot open file 'MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_latitude_gte_experiment_type_biome_name_instrument_platform_json_60_amplicon_Soil_Illumina/': No such file or directory
Error in file(name, "wb") : cannot open the connection
Execution halted




    * ERROR:
      must be installable.
    * ERROR:
      must be loadable.
─ BiocCheckVersion: 1.39.0
─ BiocVersion: 3.18
─ Package: MGnifyR
─ PackageVersion: 0.99.2
─ sourceDir: /tmp/RtmpABFvRi/file3d9c6f3422fd/MGnifyR
─ installDir: /tmp/RtmpABFvRi/file3d9c1e20e4ec
─ BiocCheckDir: /Users/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR.BiocCheck
─ platform: unix
─ isTarBall: TRUE

* Installing package...
* Checking for deprecated package usage...
* Checking for remote package usage...
* Checking for 'LazyData: true' usage...
* Checking version number...
* Checking for version number mismatch...
* Checking new package version number...
* Checking R version dependency...
* Checking package size...
* Checking individual file sizes...
    * WARNING: Package files exceed the 5MB size limit.
    * WARNING: Data files exceed the 5MB size limit.
* Checking biocViews...
* Checking that biocViews are present...
* Checking package type based on biocViews...
* Checking for non-trivial biocViews...
* Checking that biocViews come from the same category...
* Checking biocViews validity...
* Checking for recommended biocViews...
* Checking build system compatibility...
* Checking for blank lines in DESCRIPTION...
* Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted...
* Checking for proper Description: field...
* Checking for whitespace in DESCRIPTION field names...
* Checking that Package field matches directory/tarball name...
* Checking for Version field...
* Checking for valid maintainer...
* Checking License: for restrictive use...
* Checking for recommeded fields in DESCRIPTION...
* Checking for pinned package versions...
* Checking DESCRIPTION/NAMESPACE consistency...
Warning in packageDescription(pkgname, lib.loc = lib.loc) :
  no package 'MGnifyR' was found
Error in pkg_desc$Imports : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Calls: BiocCheck ... checkDescriptionNamespaceConsistency -> cleanupDependency
Execution halted

lconway BUILD BIN output





>>>>>>> INSTALLATION WITH 'R CMD INSTALL --preclean --no-multiarch --library=libdir MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz'

Warning in file(name, "wb") :
  cannot open file 'MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_latitude_gte_experiment_type_biome_name_instrument_platform_json_60_amplicon_Soil_Illumina/': No such file or directory
Error in file(name, "wb") : cannot open the connection

nebbiolo2 Summary


Package: MGnifyR
Version: 0.99.2
RVersion: 4.3
BiocVersion: 3.18
BuildCommand: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.18-bioc/R/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data MGnifyR
BuildTime: 52 minutes 50.66 seconds
CheckCommand: BiocCheckGitClone('MGnifyR') && /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.18-bioc/R/bin/R CMD check --no-vignettes --timings --library=/home/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/R-libs --install=check:/home/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR.install-out.txt MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz && BiocCheck('MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz', `new-package`=TRUE)
CheckTime: 0 minutes 2.79 seconds
PackageFileSize: 58966.33 KiB
BuildID:: MGnifyR_20231115124251
PreProcessing: Starting Git clone. Installing dependencies. Checking Git Clone. Installing package: MGnifyR. Starting Build package. Starting Check package.
PostProcessing: Finished Git clone. Package type: ExperimentData. Installing dependency status: 0. Checking git clone status: 0. Installing package status: 0. Build Package status: 0. Adding Build Product Information to Database.Checking Package status: 1.

nebbiolo2 BUILD SRC output





* checking for file ‘MGnifyR/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘MGnifyR’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... OK
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
* building ‘MGnifyR_0.99.2.tar.gz’
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
  ‘MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_biome_name_json_root:Environmental:Aquatic:Freshwater:Drinking water/’
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
  ‘MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_biome_name_json_root:Environmental:Aquatic:Freshwater:Drinking water/.RDS’
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:
Warning in utils::tar(filepath, pkgname, compression = compression, compression_level = 9L,  :
  using GNU extension for long pathname

nebbiolo2 CHECK output





─ BiocCheckVersion: 1.39.0
─ BiocVersion: 3.18
─ Package: MGnifyR
─ PackageVersion: 0.99.2
─ sourceDir: /home/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR
─ platform: unix
─ isTarBall: FALSE

* Checking valid files...
* Checking for stray BiocCheck output folders...
* Checking for inst/doc folders...
* Checking DESCRIPTION...
* Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted...
* Checking for valid maintainer...
* Checking CITATION...

─ BiocCheck results ──

For more details, run
    browseVignettes(package = 'BiocCheck')




* using log directory ‘/home/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.3.2 Patched (2023-11-13 r85521)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0
    GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0
* running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
* using session charset: UTF-8
Warning in file(name, "wb") :
  cannot open file 'MGnifyR/inst/extdata/mgnify_cache/samples_format_latitude_gte_experiment_type_biome_name_instrument_platform_json_60_amplicon_Soil_Illumina/': Is a directory
Error in file(name, "wb") : cannot open the connection
Execution halted




    * ERROR:
      must be installable.
    * ERROR:
      must be loadable.
─ BiocCheckVersion: 1.39.0
─ BiocVersion: 3.18
─ Package: MGnifyR
─ PackageVersion: 0.99.2
─ sourceDir: /tmp/RtmpS9Zho7/file944b36dc3158c/MGnifyR
─ installDir: /tmp/RtmpS9Zho7/file944b325cff9ce
─ BiocCheckDir: /home/pkgbuild/packagebuilder/workers/jobs/3191/f1a23cbc13ec8eede7068eda56e76d3e1012912c/MGnifyR.BiocCheck
─ platform: unix
─ isTarBall: TRUE

* Installing package...
* Checking for deprecated package usage...
* Checking for remote package usage...
* Checking for 'LazyData: true' usage...
* Checking version number...
* Checking for version number mismatch...
* Checking new package version number...
* Checking R version dependency...
* Checking package size...
* Checking individual file sizes...
    * WARNING: Package files exceed the 5MB size limit.
    * WARNING: Data files exceed the 5MB size limit.
* Checking biocViews...
* Checking that biocViews are present...
* Checking package type based on biocViews...
* Checking for non-trivial biocViews...
* Checking that biocViews come from the same category...
* Checking biocViews validity...
* Checking for recommended biocViews...
* Checking build system compatibility...
* Checking for blank lines in DESCRIPTION...
* Checking if DESCRIPTION is well formatted...
* Checking for proper Description: field...
* Checking for whitespace in DESCRIPTION field names...
* Checking that Package field matches directory/tarball name...
* Checking for Version field...
* Checking for valid maintainer...
* Checking License: for restrictive use...
* Checking for recommeded fields in DESCRIPTION...
* Checking for pinned package versions...
* Checking DESCRIPTION/NAMESPACE consistency...
Warning in packageDescription(pkgname, lib.loc = lib.loc) :
  no package 'MGnifyR' was found
Error in pkg_desc$Imports : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Calls: BiocCheck ... checkDescriptionNamespaceConsistency -> cleanupDependency
Execution halted

nebbiolo2 BUILD BIN output
